As a root color, #8 is a popular one. It is somewhere between dark and light, and if you transition, the effect will be very natural. Of course, this color also has disadvantages, it is easier to fade, but the fading effect is also very satisfactory.
Hand Tied Weft
For example, #T8/60 is a popular ombre color, and the image is a sample hand tied weft. As for the top few inches gradient, it depends on your customization requirements, of course 2-3 inches is more popular. The specification of this sample is 8*10 ", usually we recommend you choose each weft 10-12 ".
#T8/P18/613 is another representative balayage color, the top is #8, the bottom is the blonde piano color, natural transition color. The transition effect of the color actually depends on the depth of the color difference, as well as the length of the gradient, the technique of blending and so on.
Genius Weft
In addition to hand tied weft and tape in, our genius weft is also becoming more popular, customers usually prefer 30-35 "weft, it looks thin at the top, similar to hand tied weft, but can be cut at will.
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Name: Candy
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